Companion Animal Psychology Turns 6

Celebrating six years of writing about the science of our relationship with pets.

The dog- and cat- science blog Companion Animal Psychology turns 6, and this dog is about to enjoy a sixth birthday cake
Photo: Kira_Yan/Shutterstock

It’s exactly six years since I started Companion Animal Psychology!

The most popular posts of the last year were people mistakenly think anxious dogs are relaxed around baby and the ultimate dog training tip, which won the Captain Haggerty Award from the Dog Writer’s Association of America.

The posts on how to make the world better for dogs and how to make the world better for cats, in which experts weigh in on what would make a difference, have also been incredibly popular. In the last year I spoke to Dr. Lee Dugatkin about How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog), and to Dr. Christy Hoffman about her research in Anthrozoology. And I was thrilled to publish guest posts from Kristi Benson CTC, Gina Bishopp, and Sienna Taylor MSc.

This is post number 355. Regular readers will have noticed posting frequency is down lately. This is because I am busy finishing the manuscript of my book. Look out for more news on that very soon, as well as a return to a regular blogging rhythm.

Meantime, thanks to all of you for the ongoing support. And thank you to those of you who have made use of the advertising on this site, which helps to keep it running.

It's time for coffee and cake now, and a glass of wine later. Cheers!


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